Monday, March 24, 2008

How Have I Survived Natural Selection?

You've probably figured out by now that I love to tinker. It's philosophy manifest, for me... inquiring into and toying with the way that things interact with each other and produce results. Like most heavy-readers, I have, for the majority of my life, related to my body primarily as that thing that holds my brain six-or-so feet off of the ground. Lately, however, that has begun to change, as I've turned my tinkering towards that machine inside of which my brain resides.
It's in this spirit that I decided a few days ago to run a little experiment... I decided to, by any means necessary (within the bounds of my vegetarianism) get %100 of my recommended daily value of protein for a period of four days. Through consumption of eggs, yogurt, delicious protein shakes and disgusting protein shakes, I managed to meet this goal for the past half-week, and I am absolutely stunned at how much more energy I have and how much less taxing exercising has become. I mean, it makes total sense; but wow.

With this newfound energy and the increasingly temperate weather, I've decided to revisit two old activities, running and climbing. I have a date tomorrow at a climbing gym uptown with my buddy Eli, who has promised in turn to ship his bike up from the great state of South Carolina and ride Central Park with me. This entire concept of the body as more than a brain-stand is wild.


Easter was fantastic. Rebirth. Church with family (which was wonderful, and I think I need more of it in my life), wonderful brunch in the City with family, thoughtful note from L, and at the end of the day, a brief catch up with an old crew-mate from New Orleans who was visiting her parents in Manhattan. Had some Abita beer (best beer on earth) and some wonderful conversation, about religion, radicalism, politics, people, sanity, creativity... It's hard to believe that she and I only really spent three days together down in the ninth.
Also, post-brunch, came upon a flea-market with a woman selling old nineteenth-century magazine prints. I found one depicting my pseudonym-sake, Charlotte Corday, and bought it on the spot.
A good day.


John said...

A good day indeed. I'd to see that picture of Charlotte.

gyra said...

exceedingly glad you & g got to see each other. i was just reading this discussion and thinking about the two of you:
...i miss zwelling.

also thinking about going to church more often myself. i love my grandmother's church, and there's a kind of awesome one downtown i've been meaning to investigate. and temple..?...

Anonymous said...

I feel SO vindicated on the protein front. Also happy for you.