Monday, February 11, 2008

Whispered Intelligence

I decided today that it's time to get serious about going back to school. The wanderlust and the fact that my brain has (finally) fully recovered from the hell I put it through commuting to New Orleans for a solid year mean that I have a hankering to go some where and be taught a tremendous amount of things. Originally the plan was to wait until L graduated so that we could be together wherever I ended up going. Now I'm freed of that (though one of the programs I'm really interested in is dangerously close to her stomping ground). Fact of the matter is, I'm not done learning. And not in that philosophical "we're always learning" sense. I've been reading my theory books again for fun. I miss learning, I miss the minds it puts me in contact with, and I miss what it does to the way I look at the world around me.

Problem is my sickness in the middle of my last year, and the subsequent crazy post- New Orleans depression totally floored my grades. Mayhaps I should finish up a few of my projects that were left hanging last year?

Jesus. I need a straight 9-5 job to keep me from these thoughts.

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