Monday, February 11, 2008

Oak and Steel

My post below combined with thought of Calvino inspired a project in me tonight on my walk home from a Community Board meeting I was covering...

A mirror image story, one story on the left hand pages, one on the right, one about a boy in the city who finds his home slowly overrun by trees and plants, and the opposite about a girl who lives in the country and finds her home slowly overrun by wires and pipes. The stories mirror each other exactly, the boy and the girl seeking the source of this interesting intrusion for 25 pages or so, narrowing it down until they smack into each other.

Then the mirror stops, and on the final page the two are together, standing before a treehouse-skyscraper. "Look" says the boy, "Listen" says the girl,
and, their homes irrevocably changed and merged, they set off towards the tree-scraper together.

An adult's children's story.

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