Monday, August 11, 2008

A New York Times slide show of the Georgian conflict (here)has got me in a funk at the moment. For obvious reasons, not the least of them being that while all this suffering is going on in the world, I am buying bicycle parts and sitting behind a desk typing up reports for institutional investors. I feel useless. Sure, I could marry some rich jack-ass who would sweep me off to the peace corps (fanciful idea, right?) but even that's a sort of vacation, you know? Hang out at NGO bars and then return to normal life in the states. And the only easy way out of that, the easiest institutionalization of that life is the objectifying distance of the reporter, the foreign correspondent, held at a distance by your telephoto lens, giving up doing for the catharsis of telling.

Its so easy to see what needs to be done. It's so hard to be able to do it.

1 comment:

gyra said...

right there with you but brother if you even know what needs to be done you're ahead.