Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Writer's Retreat... part II

So we've set the date and sent out the invites for the second retreat up to upstate. It's coming up towards the end of the month, and I'm terribly excited. A few more people may be coming to this one. We're going to need more whiskey. Also more cars. That last one might be a problem. Because cars are more expensive that whiskey. When the both are of equal quality, at least. Will also need more paper. I hope my buddy Eliason gets that typewriter he's been e-baying for.

It will be so good to escape from this city for a moment. The paper that I write for has been having financial struggles, which means that, in addition to a stressful work environment (ah, the old SWEs), I've been having financial struggles. Especially because I'm apparently on the Parking Authority's most wanted list in several states. It will feel fantastic to make fires, have big dinners with the whole wonderful family, stagger out of bed to drink coffee on the porch and watch the sun rise over the hills... And most of all, to fucking write.

Well, I should get back to the SWE.


eliason said...

didn't get the underwood, but i have bids in on an incredibly adorable remington no. 1 portable, an underwood standard portable, and a 1910 corona no. 3 folding portable.

swinging for the remington. it's a real beaut.

oh and re:content - it's coming, it's coming. i needed to get the form to my satisfaction first. tomorrow is officially opening day.

De.Corday said...

oh man! a corona no. 3!!! I want one of those so bad!

eliason said...

yeah it turns out that one went for $200. not so much. but the remington is still on the table - auction closes in 2 days and change. fingers crossed.