Thursday, April 3, 2008

Word Juice

So I'm sitting in the office, drinking a fresh cup of coffee (or as I like to call it, "word juice"), writing up a few little pieces for the paper's daily web updates. Listening to a digable gal I just met on the radio. Wearin' a t-shirt 'cause it's warm.

Life's pretty OK. And a there's a lot to update y'all about. Like the giant leaps forward that the band is making. Like how I'll soon be starting a job working alongside Jay as a private investigator (I know, right??). Like how I might be an extra in some photoshoot.

But earlier today, I was hanging out in my favorite bike shop, shooting the shit with Malcom as I was re-lacing a wheel and changing out an axle, talking guitars, life, women and bicycle racing, when I realized I was late for work. So I ran downtown, wheel strapped to my back, wolfing a slice of pizza on the way. The last two bites tasted awful, and the whole day I've been smacking my well-lubricated lips, quite concerned that I ate a significant amount of bicycle grease.

1 comment:

gyra said...

congratulations! it's only a short step from P.I. to Esq.

also, word juice and mechanical lubricant? the last things you need near your mouth.