Friday, July 25, 2008

The ocean was like glass off the coast today, and as evening set in, a school of dolphin swam in close to the shore on their way along the coast. So my brother, father and I scrambled the Kayaks and pushed off from the beach, paddling out to meet them. I was the quickest and angled myself into the school, who began surfacing all around me. Very careful not to paddle too deeply, I matched their speed and kept up behind a pair of dolphins that kept surfacing regularly. As my dad and my brother caught up, the dolphins spaced out to allow us into the school, somewhat, and we traveled about a quarter mile with them when they started playing, slapping their tails on the water and leaping fully out of the water five feet off my boat, turning in mid air to show their bellies while I tried to slap the water in return in an attempt to make contact. We continued this for about another mile or so and the whole time I kept thinking, "cool! they're doing with me what I'm doing with them!"


mattio said...

that is fucking awesome.

by the way, i laughed - out loud! - at your post about liveblogging while swimming.

Anonymous said...

wonderful. thank you.

i've been wondering since last night whether dolphins recognize kayaks as human-in-a-craft or as a body. i mean...they understand they're interacting with another intelligence. but do they think that intelligence is another sea-creature or realize something else is going on?

mattio said...

dolphins are pretty damn smart. i'd guess that they know that it's a thing that's not the person.