Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Greatest Generation

Woke up this morning to the following e-mail from my father:

Please forward this to all of your like-minded and like-spirited friends, if you wish. Thanks to all of you for being an integral part of making obama's nomination and likely his election happen. We, at your age, had all of the passion but not the power to make this kind of change. it's long overdue that this kind of opportunity for can occur. tonight alone is monumental, but there's more to do. we're happy to be part of it.....again....

From his generation (my father was growing up in the sixties) to mine. It's truly nothing short of astounding to see a country unified in something they believe in, not just against. And to see the population actively supporting a man who is brilliant and nuanced? Why thats just too much for my hardened little heart to bear. This morning I actually feel pretty OK about being an American.

I'd also like to point y'all towards this:

Michelle Obama tells it like it is

and then suggest my dream ticket, Obama Obama '08. Say it out loud, it sounds even better.


gyra said...

Heh. My dream ticket first, I'll remind you. My moments of political brilliance are rare enough I want a little credit for them.

I love your dad. You tell him right back (and/or give me his email address, that'd be nice anyway):

Much--most--of the direct credit for Obama's nomination is due to his generation. Votes and campaign work this season, obviously. But more importantly, his generation laid the foundation for this in the 60s. Their work in civil rights started to make it possible for blacks and whites to work together, to be colleagues and begin to trust one another's intentions. Just as vitally, they created the culture of resistance we talk about, part of which is the very idea that students and young people can effect change through organization and mass action. Every young person who came out to vote or work for the Obama campaign was raised by someone of his generation. So. If anyone is due thanks, it's him.

Per Newton, "If I have seen farther it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."

Also. As seen on the internet:
"Yes we can."
PSA: At midnight this changes to "Yes we are."

De.Corday said...

Now we get to do it all over again, just for real.