Saturday, November 10, 2007

Things Discredited and Obsolete

So the band has been doing very well, of late. Playing shows all around the city, making hip other-band friends, and actually finding a way into a scene I wasn't sure existed. In a few weeks we're running down to Washington DC to open for a national act that rhymes with "whirl stalk".

I've been working for the past few months as a low-level reporter / general office person at a small newspaper in Lower Manhattan.

Though this pays me virtually nothing (especially as the plan is to move into the city ASAP, so I'm trying to save...) this array of creative support and occasional trickles of cash has allowed me to indulge once again in one of my favorite hobbies... the repair and upkeep of old guitar amplifiers.

There's a beauty to old technology, but tube amplification in particular intrigues me. As opposed to digital technology, the tubes actually recreate the waveforms passing through them, rather than approximate them with ultra-high-resolution right angles... Think an oscilloscope versus a graphing calculator.

Anyway, at the moment, there's an old hi-fi amplifier in the trunk of my car. I'm going to go get it out and start nursing it back to health....

maybe I'll post pictures and soundclips later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It also rhymes with Hurl Chalk and Churl Walk -lin