Friday, July 23, 2010


It's been a while. Things are largely the same. I've been working on cultivating a legit blog (i.e. sans-nom-de-guerre) but, well even if that had been working out I couldn't very well tell you about it now could I?

Brooklyn is boiling hot, and I just got back from a 75-mile ride and am craving the biggest slice of pizza on earth. I just wanted to check in. I was ruminating on this, this morning, from Giorgio Agamben's state of exception:

"It is certain, in any case, that if resistance were to become a right or even a duty (the omission of which could be punished), not only would the constitution end up positing itself as an absolutely untouchable and all-encompassing value, but the citizen's political choices would also end up being determined by juridical norms."

and it led me to do some thinking about this. So that's going on.

Additionally, I sent my first wave of submissions out today, to the Paris Review. Which is perhaps the biggest leap of all time, but who knows, right? cross your fingers.

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